La prossima edizione del Mifgash sarà dal 17 al 27 Gennaio 2023!

Mifgash – Incontro is an event dedicated to Jewish culture taking place every year in January in Trapani. It starts on the Day dedicate to the Jewish – Christian Dialogue (January 17), and it usually ends on January 27, the International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Thanks to the cooperation of the San Rocco Museum and Cultural Center, and of the association Amici della Musica di Trapani, we offer unique and variegated occasions to learn about Jewish history, religion, lifestyle, scholarly research, etc. to a wide public. Our guests come to Trapani or reach us via Skype from different places in Italy and Israel to meet us and talk about the Bible, Jewish traditions, and kosher food … that is even served to our enthousiastic audience!

Information on previous editions is available at: https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Society—Culture-Website/Mifgash-Incontro-120166692710910/